Hans Morgannson

"I'd rather live my life in rags than be taped to a desk with a wife as a hag"

Hans is an eager and easygoing Nord with stern yet kind features, he is a man of the sea and smells like his beloved brine and good rum. Despite being a pirate, he carries himself with elegance and is a very polite and well cultured man.

NordRogueChaotic Neutral
  • Age: 27

  • Nicknames: Morgan, Han

  • Relationship status: Single

  • Sexuality: Bisexual

  • Body type: Lean but athletic

  • Height: 2.01m

  • Weight: 75kg

  • Complexion: Pale

  • Hair: Dark brown

  • Eyes: Blue

  • Handedness: Left-handed

  • Face Claim: Ilkka Villi

  • Voice Claim: Peter Serafinowicz

Morgan was built to be a lanky man, too tall and with a narrow waist and long limbs, but he had worked hard to keep himself in a healthy shape. He stood lazily against a palm tree, on his bare feet feeling the soft sand on his soles. He eyed his crewmate that had been pestering him for a good story about his background."I did not come from a broken lair, poverty or sorrow, my dear." Hans spoke with a calm voice as usual, holding a bottle of rum as he weaved his tale to the curious sailor."My family was good, I had a nightmare for a father but I loved my mother so much I could handle my old man's temper. He was an influential type in Riften, gave me a comfortable life and good education." He shrugged, pleased with the surprised expression of his listener."Why I left?" He pauses, taking a long sip of his drink, "Oh, you see... When I was a little boy, I would stay long hours at the docks, watching the ships sailing away! I wanted to leave the land, feel the gentle wobbling of the waves and see the world." Morgan was very romantic with his words, "But papa had different plans for me, naturally... I was the oldest son, plenty of expectations and all those wealthy lad issues that you must find too pathetic to listen, so let me jump to the interesting part."Stretching his back, the pirate admired the calm shores before continuing. "He got me an arranged marriage with the daughter of a rich merchant or something, naturally I was not happy at all with my wings being cut before I even got the chance to fly! So I did what was natural to me..." He opens a wide smile, knowing he got the sailor's interest sparked."I faked my own death!" He said as if it was a healthy and normal thing to be done "Told my poor sweet mother that I would go camping, then I caused some havoc on the barrack and left behind a few blood-stains so no one would have hopes about my condition, they must think a group of bandits got me." Morgan taps his bottle, thoughtful, "I disappeared, found my fortune joining a pirate crew, and here I am!" He opens his arms to embrace the wind in a dramatic display for his story."I know what you are thinking; that I am an ungrateful brat unable to take responsibility for anything... and you are probably right." He clicks his tongue and finishes his rum, getting back on the ship.


You can call me Corv. I am an angsty guitarist with a taste for tragedy, romance and poetry. I write anything from ABC to Barbarians to The Lusty Argonian Maid.
Usually online at discord around 18h (BRT) I rather roleplaying there instead of ESO, but I can definitely rp ingame too.
Discord: onryo4
ESO ID: Zarg0thrax